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I’m feeling tempted
Past you
“I don’t want porn in my life”
Current you
“I need porn”
Future you
“I don’t want porn in my life”

This is a momentary urge. It’ll pass.

Most urges pass after just 10 minutes. Take a deep breath; you can make it through this one, too.

How strong is the urge?

Mild - Redirect

Remove yourself from your current environment and redirect your energy to something purposeful.

Top Suggestions
  • Listen to inspiring music
  • Turn off device
  • Go to another location
  • Go take a walk outside
  • Do a meditation
  • Pray and listen
I can do this

Medium - Reconnect

Reconnect with your purpose, your values, and your why.

Top Suggestions
  • Write your why; what will you gain from avoiding porn today?
  • Read an article from our recovery blog
  • Read scripture
  • Read past journal entries about your why
  • Make progress toward a goal you have
I can do this

Strong - Reach Out

Isolation keeps us stuck. Reaching out and connecting is the most effective way to make your urge powerless.

Top Suggestions
  • Call or text someone you haven’t talked to in a while
  • Find someone to serve
  • Record a voice letter for your child or spouse to listen to in the future
  • Reach out to your accountability partner
I can do this

There’s a smarter way to stay accountable.

Get real-time group support and personalized feedback through our unique program to help you quit pornography — no matter how many times you’ve tried.
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