How Long Does It Take to Quit Weed for Good?

How Long Does It Take to Quit Weed for Good?

If you're considering quitting weed, it's important to understand the process and what to expect so that you can be armed and ready to face the challenges of quitting weed and embracing a more positive life. Marijuana withdrawal can have both physical and mental effects, but with the right knowledge and support, you can successfully overcome it.

How long does it take to quit weed? In this article, we will explore symptoms, and treatment options for marijuana withdrawal.

Understanding Marijuana Withdrawal

Contrary to popular belief, marijuana can be addictive, and quitting it may lead to withdrawal symptoms. While not everyone who uses marijuana will experience withdrawal, it is estimated that around 47% of regular users may develop cannabis withdrawal syndrome. This syndrome is characterized by a range of physical and psychological symptoms that occur when the body adjusts to functioning without the presence of cannabinoids in the system2.

Symptoms of Marijuana Withdrawal

The symptoms of marijuana withdrawal can vary from person to person and may include:

  1. Irritability and mood swings
  2. Anxiety and restlessness
  3. Insomnia and difficulty sleeping
  4. Loss of appetite and weight loss
  5. Headaches and nausea
  6. Sweating and chills
  7. Tremors and shakiness
  8. Depression and low mood
  9. Cravings for marijuana

It's important to note that not everyone will experience all of these symptoms, and the severity and duration can also vary. Some individuals may have milder symptoms that last for a shorter period, while others may experience more intense symptoms that persist for several weeks.

How Long Does it Take to Quit Weed?

The timeline of marijuana withdrawal can be divided into several stages:

Stage 1: Onset of Symptoms (Within 1-2 Days)

Within a day or two of quitting marijuana, the first symptoms of withdrawal may begin to manifest. These can include irritability, anxiety, restlessness, and changes in appetite.

Stage 2: Peak Symptoms (Within 2-6 Days)

During this stage, withdrawal symptoms typically reach their peak in terms of intensity. Individuals may experience heightened irritability, insomnia, loss of appetite, and strong cravings for marijuana.

Stage 3: Resolution of Acute Symptoms (Within 3 Weeks)

Most acute withdrawal symptoms tend to subside within three weeks of quitting marijuana. However, some psychological symptoms, such as depression and sleep disturbances, may persist for up to five weeks.

Factors That Influence How Long it Takes to Quit Smoking Weed

The duration of marijuana withdrawal can be influenced by several factors, including:

  1. Severity and frequency of marijuana use: The more heavily and frequently an individual used marijuana before quitting, the longer and more intense the withdrawal symptoms may be.
  2. Duration of marijuana use: Individuals who have been using marijuana for an extended period are more likely to have a longer withdrawal period.
  3. Individual physiology: Each person's body reacts differently to the absence of cannabinoids, which can impact the duration and severity of withdrawal symptoms.
  4. Co-occurring mental health conditions: Those with underlying mental health conditions, such as anxiety or depression, may experience more prolonged withdrawal symptoms.

It's important to remember that everyone's experience with how long does it take to quit smoking weed is unique, and the timeline can vary from person to person.

Coping Strategies for Marijuana Withdrawal

While marijuana withdrawal can be challenging, there are several strategies that can help individuals cope with the symptoms:

  1. Seek support: Reach out to friends, family, or a support group who can provide understanding and encouragement throughout the withdrawal process.
  2. Practice self-care: Engage in activities that promote relaxation and well-being, such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies that bring joy.
  3. Establish a routine: Create a structured daily routine to provide a sense of stability and purpose during the withdrawal period.
  4. Stay hydrated and eat a balanced diet: Proper nutrition and hydration can support overall well-being and help alleviate some physical symptoms of withdrawal.
  5. Avoid triggers: Identify and avoid situations or people that may tempt you to use marijuana, especially during the early stages of withdrawal.
  6. Practice stress management techniques: Explore stress-reducing techniques like deep breathing, journaling, or engaging in activities that promote relaxation.
  7. Educate yourself: Learn about the benefits of quitting marijuana and the negative effects of continued use to stay motivated and committed to your recovery.

Professional Treatment Options

For individuals who are struggling with severe withdrawal symptoms or have co-occurring mental health conditions, seeking professional treatment may be beneficial. Treatment options for marijuana withdrawal and addiction can include:

  1. Inpatient rehabilitation: Residential treatment programs provide comprehensive support, including medical detoxification, therapy, and counseling, in a structured and supportive environment.
  2. Outpatient programs: Intensive outpatient programs (IOPs) offer flexible treatment options that allow individuals to receive therapy and support while maintaining their daily responsibilities.
  3. Individual counseling: Working one-on-one with a therapist or counselor can help individuals address underlying issues and develop coping strategies to manage withdrawal symptoms.
  4. Group therapy: Participating in group therapy sessions can provide a sense of community and support, allowing individuals to share their experiences and learn from others going through similar challenges.

The Importance of Support

Quitting marijuana can be a challenging journey, and having a strong support system can make a significant difference. Reach out to friends, family, or support groups specializing in addiction recovery to find the encouragement and understanding you need. Remember, you are not alone, and there are people who want to see you succeed in your recovery.

Relay, a virtual recovery program, offers a supportive community for individuals seeking assistance during their recovery journey from substance abuse, including weed addiction. Through its online platform, Relay connects users with a network of peers who understand the challenges of addiction and can provide empathy, encouragement, and guidance. Whether through group discussions, one-on-one interactions, or access to resources, Relay serves as a valuable source of support for those navigating the complexities of weed addiction recovery.

Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Making positive lifestyle changes can also support your journey toward quitting marijuana. Consider incorporating the following habits into your daily routine:

  1. Regular exercise: Engaging in physical activity can help reduce stress, improve mood, and promote overall well-being.
  2. Good sleep hygiene: Establish a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine to improve the quality of your sleep.
  3. Balanced diet: Focus on nutritious foods that provide essential vitamins and minerals to support your body's healing process.
  4. Mindfulness practices: Incorporate mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or yoga, to promote relaxation and self-awareness.

Alternative Therapies

In addition to traditional treatment approaches, alternative therapies can also be beneficial in managing marijuana withdrawal symptoms. Some alternative therapies that individuals have found helpful include:

  1. Acupuncture: This ancient Chinese practice involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to promote relaxation and balance.
  2. Massage therapy: Massage can help reduce muscle tension, alleviate stress, and promote relaxation during the withdrawal process.
  3. Art therapy: Engaging in creative expression through art can provide a therapeutic outlet for emotions and help individuals process their experiences.

Preventing Relapse

Maintaining long-term abstinence from marijuana requires ongoing effort and dedication. To reduce the risk of relapse, consider the following strategies:

  1. Avoid triggers: Identify and avoid situations, people, or places that may trigger cravings or tempt you to use marijuana.
  2. Build a support network: Surround yourself with supportive individuals who understand your goals and provide encouragement.
  3. Develop healthy coping mechanisms: Explore healthy ways to manage stress and emotions, such as through exercise, therapy, or creative outlets.
  4. Stay engaged in recovery: Continue attending support group meetings or therapy sessions to stay connected and reinforce your commitment to quitting marijuana.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is marijuana withdrawal dangerous? A: While marijuana withdrawal is generally not life-threatening, it can be uncomfortable and challenging. Seeking professional support and medical guidance can help ensure a safe and successful withdrawal process.

Q: How long does it take to quit weed completely? A: The length of time it takes to quit weed completely can vary depending on factors such as the severity of use, duration of use, and individual physiology. Generally, acute withdrawal symptoms subside within a few weeks, but psychological symptoms may persist for several weeks.

Q: Can I quit weed on my own, or do I need professional help? A: Quitting weed on your own is possible for some individuals, especially those with mild withdrawal symptoms. However, professional help can provide additional support, resources, and guidance, particularly for those with severe symptoms or co-occurring mental health conditions.

Q: Will I experience cravings for marijuana after quitting? A: Cravings for marijuana can be a common part of the withdrawal process. However, with time, support, and effective coping strategies, cravings can diminish and become more manageable.


How long does it take to quit weed? Quitting marijuana is a personal journey that requires determination, support, and the right strategies. While marijuana withdrawal symptoms can be challenging, they are temporary, and recovery is achievable. By understanding the timeline, symptoms, and available treatments, you can embark on a path toward a healthier, drug-free life. Remember, you are not alone, and there are resources and support systems available to help you every step of the way.


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Find Effective, Evidence-Based Treatment for Marijuana Addiction in the Relay Program

There is help available to you if you or a loved one has a physical dependence or psychological dependence on marijuana. These urges and compulsive behaviors can control your life, but you can take back control. Relay's addiction recovery program provides a comprehensive, outpatient approach to behavioral change - at home, at your own pace. To each new program member, we provide a personalized recovery plan, a peer support group, progress tracking, journaling, and intelligent insights about your behavior patterns, all within a simple and secure mobile app Our proven approach helps program members achieve the best chance at long-term recovery without the time or expense of rehab or therapy. Try the Relay program for free here; if you need help as you get set up, contact us now at

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