The Negative Effects of a Porn Addiction

The Negative Effects of a Porn Addiction

What often starts as an interesting way to pass the time and relieve stress can quickly become an all-consuming habit. Maybe you're watching it whether or not you want to, maybe you've tried to quit and can't seem to do it. You might even feel that you're addicted to pornography.

Pornography addiction can feel hopeless and lonely, but it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. Many people struggle with this and are trying to change their habits to live a fuller life.

In this article, we will talk about how to define pornography addiction, the symptoms of porn addiction, and how to change your ways and get treatment. Let’s jump right in!


What Is Pornography Addiction?

Believe it or not, this is a highly contested question. The American Psychiatric Association does not technically define porn addiction as an official diagnosis in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual, fifth edition (DSM-5). 

Despite this fact, anyone who has struggled with problematic pornography viewing habits can attest that, however it is officially defined, it feels very much like a real and painful addiction.

Why do some mental health professionals believe pornography addiction doesn’t qualify as a “real” addiction diagnosis? It’s complicated, and it has to do with how addiction works. 

There are two camps within the mental health community: one that believes pornography addiction is just as harmful as other addictions (such as substance use disorder), and one that sees it as more of a compulsion or dependency. 

Why the APA Doesn’t Officially Recognize Pornography Addiction

The APA doesn’t acknowledge porn or sex addiction as “true” addictions or mental health problems. The main reason for this has to do with neurochemistry.

Experts believe that--although watching porn has the potential to activate pleasure circuits in the brain, similarly to opioid or alcohol abuse--you most likely cannot become addicted in the same way that you can to drugs or alcohol. Addiction changes your brain chemistry with chemical substances, going beyond simply activating those pleasure circuits. 

As far as experts and researchers can tell, this is not what happens in porn addiction and other behavioral addictions. You may get that dopamine hit, but the cravings you’re experiencing are not the same as substance abuse addiction.

If Not Addiction, Then What?

Okay, this isn’t an addiction, but it really feels like one. What is actually going on for those who have a problem with pornography? It’s more likely that people struggling with controlling their habits have developed an obsessive, compulsive behavior. 

These habitual behaviors can be so compulsive that they seem impossible to stop. In particular, if the use of pornography alleviates stress, takes the edge off of anxiety, and makes a person feel less lonely, the obsession can quickly grow to an unhealthy level. 

What causes the feeling of addiction is the guilt and shame connected to this sexual behavior. Pornography watching is typically done in secret and has a moral value of “bad” or “sinful” attached to it. 

This conflict of values may lead you to think you’re addicted when you are actually struggling to change an addictive behavior and habit. How is this knowledge helpful? Looking at the problem through this lens can help you to understand that it is possible to change; all you need is a fresh mindset.

What Are the Negative Side Effects of a Porn Addiction?

Regardless of what you want to call it, there will be negative consequences whenever you have a habit you just can’t break. 

One thing that addiction and compulsion have in common is that they can both wreak havoc on a person’s life if they can’t be controlled. There are some negative effects associated with pornography dependency. Here are some of them:

Increased Isolation

Because of the guilt and shame associated with viewing porn, users typically watch alone. As time and the compulsion progress, that means spending a lot of time by yourself, which increases loneliness. It’s a vicious cycle.

Distorted Perceptions of Sexuality

We all know that the scenes depicted in a lot of pornography are unrealistic (we hope you already know that). However, perception is reality. 

Spending extended time watching these unrealistic and often demeaning images of sex and sexuality can impact how you view real-life sex. 

Negative Feelings About Relationships and Self

Because of the aforementioned distorted perceptions, you may begin to see your relationship in a different light. This is usually not a good thing. Idealizing unrealistic sexual images and wanting them from your partner can lead to tragic dissatisfaction with your relationship and partner, which isn’t fair to either of you. 

As for yourself, you may begin to feel low self-esteem and decreased value. After all, society has told you that watching porn is bad, and you keep watching more and more, so you must be a worse and worse person. 

This isn’t true, of course. But these are the stories we tell ourselves as we engage in negative self-talk. 

Neglecting Other Areas of Life Such as Work, Family, and Friends

We only have so much time in a day, and something’s gotta give. If you’re adding hours a day of pornography, you must take that time away from something else. 

You can run into financial trouble if you are shirking responsibilities at work or lose your job. Some people even start watching porn at work, which is a huge problem. 

You may lose sleep, friends, and interest in non-porn activities. This is one of the most detrimental effects of too much porn-watching.

Trust Issues Can Develop in Relationship

Are you hiding the fact that you are watching pornography? Of course you are! 

Not many of us want our significant others to know when we are watching naked images of another person. The act of secrecy within a relationship is a slippery slope. 

What starts as innocently deleting your browser history can quickly escalate into hiding credit card statements, lying about your whereabouts, and more. Nothing hurts a relationship more than a lack of trust.

Difficulty Becoming Aroused Without Pornography

This one’s pretty ironic. You may have started watching porn to help you become more aroused for sex with your partner. Or you may have casually been enjoying the feeling you get while watching porn. 

However, like with any addiction, the need for more and more will grow. Eventually, you may hit the point where you simply can’t become aroused unless you have pornography. 

This is more mental than physical, but mental health is physical health, and one can affect the other. Sexual dysfunction is common in those who struggle to watch too much internet pornography. 

Loss of Interest in “Regular” Sexual Activities

After watching hours and hours of unrealistic and sometimes downright strange pornography, regular, loving, vanilla sex might seem sort of boring. It can be hard for a partner to keep up, and it isn’t fair to ask them to. 

Sexual satisfaction may become difficult for you if you are constantly seeing people enjoying a fantasy sex life that, in truth, none of us could keep up with! 

Link Between Depression and Pornography

There is a link between depression and viewing pornography. It’s sort of a chicken and egg scenario, and as we said before, it can be a vicious cycle. Some studies have indicated that people may watch more pornography if depressed, especially men. 

People who watch excessive amounts of porn are not doing it solely for arousal. It is often used as a coping method. 

Loneliness and depression are often underlying mental health issues that can impact how pornography use affects life satisfaction. In many ways, it is not the activity itself but how you perceive it that is important. 

How Can I Get Help for a Porn Addiction?

It’s clear that if you think you have a problem, you should shift your behaviors. We have some great tips for starting that process yourself and information about getting help from a mental health professional.

Some tips to change your behaviors include:

  • Confide in a friend or loved one: this is scary, but you may be surprised at the support you receive.

  • Install anti-porn software on your devices.

  • Identify your triggers and try to avoid them.

  • Keep a journal.

  • Stay busy: get a new hobby, go out with friends, or go for a walk. Whatever you do, try not to sit alone in front of your computer or phone screen.

  • Have a plan: when an urge is coming, know your plan of action to avoid porn use.

  • Join a support group: There are many groups full of people who know just what you’re going through. You can find both local and online support groups.

  • Exercise! Physical activity is good for mental and physical health and keeps you busy.

Consider Talking to a Therapist

Truthfully, therapy is great for everyone, not just people struggling with addiction. Therapists can use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help you understand your triggers and avoid them and find better coping mechanisms. 

Therapists are also fantastic resources for finding support groups, recommending if medication is an appropriate intervention (note that only psychiatrists and medical doctors can actually prescribe the medication), and helping you sort out your feelings. 

A good therapist will also be able to go over treatment options. Addiction treatment can take many forms, including family therapy and outpatient or inpatient programs.


The negative impact that excessive pornography consumption can have on your life can be devastating. The feelings of guilt, depression, and struggles with sexual intercourse are just the beginning. 

Luckily, there are many healthcare and treatment options available and many steps you can take on your own to help change your habits. Though you may sometimes feel out of control, remember that it is your life, and ultimately you are in charge. 

Learn a new hobby, get outside more, exercise, know your triggers, and find a therapist to help you figure it out. Addiction doesn’t define you; you can be who you want to be. 


Pornography Addiction: 5 Treatments That Are Proven To Work | WebMD

Pornography: Legislation for Public Health Risk | Healthline

Is there a link between pornography and depression? | Medical News Today

Effects of Pornography on Relationships | USU

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