Is It A Sin To Explore Your Body? - What The Bible Says

Is It A Sin To Explore Your Body? - What The Bible Says

It’s good to explore now ideas, information, and experiences, but not all exploration is safe and healthy. While the secular world has made it seem like an important part of self-care is learning how your body’s sexuality functions, Christians know better. Although it sounds harmless, maybe even fun, this kind of “exploring your body” is a sin.

We aren’t referring to seeing how far you can run, finding your personal style or learning which foods help you feel your best—when people talk about exploring your body, what they mean is masturbation, the practice of sexual self-stimulation. What does the Bible say about exploring your body? Frankly, not much. There are no specific references to masturbation in Scripture, but there are plenty of other guidelines the Lord has given us that can help us learn why exploring our bodies is sinful.

The Role of Rules in the Bible

Throughout Scripture, God has given us boundaries He instructs us not to cross. These rules and guidelines aren’t to keep us from experiencing some kind of secret fun that everyone else gets to have—they’re to keep us safe from activities that could cause us harm and heartbreak.

It isn’t hard to think of Biblical examples of people who’ve been punished for breaking the boundaries they received from God. Lot’s wife, the people of Sodom and the Philistines are all good examples, and it’s easy to get caught up in their stories. But it’s important to remember that there are far more examples of people who did change, repent, and return to the Savior. Jesus always provides a way back into His loving arms, no matter what we’ve done wrong!

So, if you’ve fallen into a pattern of exploring your body in a sexual way, you don’t have to feel guilty forever. You can repent from masturbation and move forward. It might not be easy—masturbation is notoriously habit-forming—but, with the right resources, you can do it.


Why Is Exploring Your Body A Sin?

Your Body and Sexuality Are Sacred

The Bible teaches that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19). As such, it is important to honor and respect our bodies as vessels of God's presence. Engaging in acts of self-exploration can defile this sacred temple, as it often involves indulging in impure thoughts, fantasies, or actions. The Bible explicitly states that sexual expression outside marriage is against heaven’s law, emphasizing the importance of sexual purity.

Romans 1:26-27 also addresses sexual immorality, highlighting how it is a consequence of people exchanging natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. These verses indicate that exploring one's body in ways that deviate from God's design for human sexuality is contrary to His will. As believers, we are called to strive for holiness and honor God with our bodies.

Of course, we won’t ever be perfect in our attempts to life in holiness only, but as we strive to honor the incredible power our bodies have been given by God—our sexuality—and save it for its proper context—marriage—we will be blessed.

Exploring Your Body Can Encourage Selfish Desires

The Bible calls believers to deny themselves and live selflessly (Luke 9:23). Engaging in self-exploration can often stem from selfish desires, prioritizing personal gratification over obedience to God. Galatians 5:16-17 cautions against giving in to the desires of the flesh, stating, "But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh."

Self-exploration rooted in selfish desires promotes a mindset that revolves around self-gratification rather than seeking God's will. It can foster an unhealthy focus on one's own pleasure and lead to a distorted understanding of sexuality. The Bible encourages believers to live in accordance with the Spirit, allowing Him to guide their thoughts, actions, and desires.

Exploring Your Body is the Wrong Context For Your God-Given Sexuality

As Christians, we’ve been counseled to save our sexuality for marriage. Marriage is a sacred union in the eyes of God, designed to be a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman (Matthew 19:4-6). Engaging in self-exploration outside the bounds of marriage can devalue the significance of this union. Hebrews 13:4 reinforces the sanctity of marriage and warns against sexual immorality, stating, "Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous."

When individuals indulge in exploring their bodies outside the context of marriage, it undermines the unique and intimate bond that God intended exclusively for married couples. Sexual intimacy is meant to be a unifying act within the covenant of marriage, allowing couples to experience deep emotional, physical, and spiritual connection. Engaging in self-exploration outside of marriage can lead to dissatisfaction, objectification, and a distorted view of sex and relationships.

Exploring Your Body Is Highly Habit-Forming

Exploring your body through masturbation is incredibly habit-forming, with some even going so far as to say that it feels addictive. The Bible warns against anything that enslaves or addicts us (1 Corinthians 6:12). When exploring one's body becomes a habitual and compulsive practice, it can result in a loss of control and a negative impact on one's mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Romans 6:12-14 reminds believers to offer themselves to God as instruments of righteousness rather than allowing sin to reign over them. It encourages us not to let sin have dominion over our bodies.

Addictive behaviors often lead to a preoccupation with self and an erosion of healthy relationships. They can consume valuable time, energy, and resources, hindering individuals from living a purposeful and fulfilling life. By engaging in self-exploration, one risks falling into a pattern of addiction that not only damages personal well-being but also compromises relationships with God and others. The Bible encourages believers to seek freedom from any form of bondage and find their satisfaction and fulfillment in a loving relationship with God.

If you feel like you've fallen into a bad habit, or even an addiction, find advice on how to stop here.

Repent from Exploring Your Body Today

Recognizing the biblical perspective on exploring one's body calls for a response of repentance and turning away from such practices. Acts 3:19 encourages us to repent and turn to God so that our sins may be wiped out. Repentance involves acknowledging our wrongdoing, seeking God's forgiveness, and committing to a changed life through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is an opportunity for transformation and restoration.

A major part of that repentance process is to forsake our sins, and with the sin of exploring your body, it’s not as easy as just coming home from a trip. If you’ve built patterns of compulsive masturbation, you may need help to build a support system to overcome these habits. That could include working with your pastor, attending a local or online support group for masturbation, or joining a program that will help you work through the process of recovery.

Resources to Help You Overcome Exploring Your Body

If you feel like you’ve fallen into a masturbation habit and are having a hard time stopping, you are not alone! Relay has created a unique recovery program for issues like this that might be challenging to talk about with others, but are almost impossible to work through on your own. With Relay, you’re put into a group of your fellow Christians who are working to overcome the same issues, and you can stay as anonymous as you’d like as you interact with them, getting answers to your questions and real-time advice to help you change, even if you feel like you’ve fallen into a serious habit of masturbation. Get started here!


Exploring your body through masturbation is a sin according to the Bible. It defiles the temple of the Holy Spirit, devalues the sanctity of marriage, gives in to selfish desires, and can lead to addictive behaviors. However, through sincere repentance and the help of Jesus Christ, you can fully and completely overcome the sin of self-exploration.

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There is help available to you if you or a loved one has a physical dependence or psychological dependence on pornography, masturbation, or sex. These urges and compulsive behaviors can control your life, but you can take back control. Relay's addiction recovery program provides a comprehensive, outpatient approach to behavioral change - at home, at your own pace. To each new program member, we provide a personalized recovery plan, a peer support group, progress tracking, journaling, and intelligent insights about your behavior patterns, all within a simple and secure mobile app Our proven approach helps program members achieve the best chance at long-term recovery without the time or expense of rehab or therapy. Try the Relay program for free here; if you need help as you get set up, contact us now at

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